Lily Bouquet
A hand tied bouquet of large headed, pink oriental lilies framed with tall, elegant foliages
Your bouquet is delivered beautifully gift wrapped and packaged in water in a box.
Exact content may vary depending on availability.
The bouquet pictured shows our Standard-£50 bouquet. Vase not included.
A hand tied bouquet of large headed, pink oriental lilies framed with tall, elegant foliages
Your bouquet is delivered beautifully gift wrapped and packaged in water in a box.
Exact content may vary depending on availability.
The bouquet pictured shows our Standard-£50 bouquet. Vase not included.
A hand tied bouquet of large headed, pink oriental lilies framed with tall, elegant foliages
Your bouquet is delivered beautifully gift wrapped and packaged in water in a box.
Exact content may vary depending on availability.
The bouquet pictured shows our Standard-£50 bouquet. Vase not included.